Dee Gorski, MSAc, LAc

Dee found her way to acupuncture through martial arts research.  Discovering styles based in manipulating meridians and acupoints, he began studying acupressure and shiatsu manuals.  For years she used what she learned to help friends and family (and herself, of course) with minor ailments while continuing to work in technology.  On recommendation of her teacher, the now late Bataan Faigao, Dee went to Naropa University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Traditional Eastern Arts with an emphasis in Tai Chi.  

With the great deal of freedom afforded to students, at Naropa, to design independent studies, Dee built curricula for herself to study Taoist Feng Shui techniques and theory.  Coupled with this, she studied Qi Gong practice and theory, focusing on Microcosmic Orbit and and Embryonic Breathing which she was able to share with beginning Tai Chi students at the university.

After completing her bachelor's, Dee promptly went to Southwest Acupuncture College (SWAC) in Boulder where she completed her Master of Science in Acupuncture.  While there, Dee focused her studies on meridian therapies and esoteric styles that centered around the spirit and harmony with universality.   

Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Energy Work

Tai Chi and Qigong